
This screen stores employee characteristics such as Birth and Hired Date, Nationality and Employment Status. This area also stores Centrelink identification details for each employee, for the purposes of electronic earnings reporting (EER).

Open the Employee File.

To Enter or Amend the Employee Characteristics

  1. Once the employee file is open, select the Employee Name on the left.
  2. On the right, click on the Characteristics tab.
  3. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation Wizard
Sex Defaults based on the title chosen. If the employee is a company or other entity, select Other. Step 3 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Personal Details"

Characteristics section

Birth Date Enter the birth date of the employee. This field is mandatory as it is required by the ATO.

Age is provided based on the Birth Date field and represented as years/months and a decimal figure (used for reporting).

Hired Date

This is a mandatory field to record the date employment commenced. This defaults to today's date for new employees.

YOS (Years of Service) is provided based on the Hired Date field, and represented as years/months and a decimal figure (used for reporting).

Employment Status Select Full Time, Part Time or Casual. To enter a new status, select <<Add New>>.
Occupational Status This is used for statistical reporting (such as a headcount report) and is auto-filled based on the Hired Date/Terminated Date and the current date. Status may be 'Employed', 'Employment Pending', 'Employment Ceased' or 'Employment Ending'.
Classification You can create your own classifications to group employees in reports. To enter a new classification select <<Add New>> from the drop down list.
Nationality Enter the nationality of the employee. If the employee is a company or other entity, enter the location of the head office.
Passport Tick this box if they have a password.
Expires Enter the expiry date of their password.
Suspend Select if the employee is having an extended absence without pay, for example maternity leave or an overseas trip. This will filter the employee out of the payrun pool. Step 3 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Personal Details"

Characteristics section

Reason Enter the reason for the absence.
Note that this field is relevant to the Projected Leave Liability report. If you do not include a specific Reason, then the employee will not be included/excluded (depending on the criteria specified) from the report.
Drivers Lic. Tick this box if they have a Drivers Licence.
License No. Enter the number, if applicable.
Smoker  If the employee is a smoker, select this box. Step 3 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Personal Details"

Characteristics section

Apprentice If the employee is an Accredited Apprentice Trainee, select this box. This setting can be used to optionally include/exclude apprentice wages from your liability for state payroll tax.
Accredited Trainee If the employee is an accredited trainee, tick this box. This setting can be used optionally to include or exclude trainee wages from your liability for State Payroll Tax.
CDEP If this is a CDEP employee tick this box. This setting can be used to optionally include/exclude trainee wages from your liability for state payroll tax. 
Registered with Centrelink If this employee is registered with Centrelink for the purposes of EER, tick this box. Step 3 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Personal Details"

Centrelink section

Customer Reference Number A 10-digit number which uniquely identifies a Centrelink customer. This number must be entered if you wish to use the Centrelink reporting function.
E.E.R Consent given If this employee has consented to their details being communicated to Centrelink, tick this box.